While I agree with most of you guys about modern top 40 pop, I definitely come at my disdain for this music from a different angle..
I love electronic music. Experimental, abstract, dubstep, house, ambient, noise.. I have found tracks I love from almost every sub genre. Right now, there is so much incredible electronic music out there, inventive and fresh. That's what drew me to it after a childhood of listening to never ending classic rock on the Jersey shore.
I'm disenchanted with pop right now because it borrows its sounds and production values heavily from the producers pushing the edge, but does so in a way that crushes the inventiveness, making what could be incredible tracks into milquetoast mush. That said, there is the occasional track that I fall in love with only to find out it is a big hit 'out there'.. on those rare occasions, my faith in humanity is momentarily restored.