Framing reality is hard. The only fact we know of that actually exists that this is an impossible feat.
As for photons, well, there we go. Same scenario. Even Einstein directly admitted that he could have got the sign wrong on his famous equation.
The thing that does not know what it is talks of a thing that it cannot define whilst posited in a reality/information matrix it cannot explain or define. Ultimately we (whatever that is) don’t gots a handle on jack.... just a few bits of commonality that are minimally predictable (in gross context) and applicable to the matrix and it’s so-called denizens.
Arguing about it is, well,.....
all the great minds, including Einstein spoke of these sort of things. that bible thumping your way into around or out of anything (explicit factualization) is quite the fool's game.
I'd wager many hundreds of thousands of people have directly and personally witnessed wire Directionality.
When it comes to proofing, this data is not trivial. But it will bring the Quixotally inclined -to it ---like a spinning windmill.