Hegel vs Rogue

I am looking to upgrade my system and am debating whether to go one of two routes:

A) Hegel H160 w/ Schiit Mani phono stage
B) Rogue Sphinx v2. w/ DAC (approx $1000-1500)

I like the power and DAC/Airplay options of the Hegel, but wonder if the Rogue paired with the right DAC would give a warmer more robust sound thanks to its tube-hybrid design. Any thoughts?

Would welcome all thoughts/suggestions, as well as good DAC pairings with the Rogue Sphinx in the $1000-$1500 range.

Both are great amp makers.

To me ideally the best amps are full on class a, or set tube amps. Good class ab like Hegel get close to the smooth sound of class a and sometimes top them without the size, heat and cost. Hybrid tube designs don’t quite cut it for me. They miss the full tube experience while also lacking the class a sound.

I have a Hegel h200 and haven’t considered an upgrade. For me the h200 is the solid state sound I like. I could spend more on a better solid  state but I can’t justify it in my budget - it would be a case of diminishing returns and I am very happy with the sound and the fact that it matches to a wide range of speakers. 

The only change I would make is to get a set tube amp as a second amp for a totally different flavor and experience. 
+2 Hegel, Hegel makes solid amps.  I personally prefer a class AB over a class D hybrid.  The Rogue Cronus Magnum II would be a harder choice.