@glennewdick - You raise an interesting point. I really do like the design of the Mies integrated amp you recommended, very small footprint. I will check into this further along with the speakers you mentioned. Maybe there is a shop someplace I can visit and hear them.
@mahler123 - sounds like both you and glennewdick both agree the limiting factor is the speakers and I tend to agree, the more I think about it. Unfortunately I do not have the option to borrow and try stuff (at least not a convenient option, anyway).
@williewonka - Thanks for your suggestion of the Bluesound gear, I had never even heard of it, much less considered it. Maybe a Bluesound Node 2 and a pair of the Pulse Mini would be interesting. I will see if there is a shop nearby I can visit and hear them for myself.
Thanks to all of you for the feedback!