DAC Regenerator and Reclocking Devices

Recently I've been looking at a few different devices to upgrade my signal between my Mac and my Ayre QB 9 DAC DSD. SOtM makes a reclocking / regenerator as does Ideon Audio and IFI. The IFI micro 3.0 is apparently the newest of them and looks like a great price when compared to the SOtM tx USBultra. The Ideon 3R USB Renaissance is the more affordable and was engineered strictly for sound quality. Does anyone have experience with these devices? Also, I want to mention that I've been adding Akiko Audio tuning sticks and tuning chips and I prefer their additions so far. Some good orderly direction would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks Dave, I should check with UpTone that my Ayre is compatible with the ISO Regen prior to purchase. But I want to use Audirvana Plus also.
Hi shadorne,

Been reading 27 pages of chatter on computeraudiophile.com forums re: the ISO Regen. Several highly recommend using the Singzer SU-1 and the ISO Regen both and all reports of the SU-1 are very positive, with or without the ISO Regen. Good call. :)

Pulled the trigger on an ISO Regen with the optional UltraCAP LPS-1 Power supply after reading that this combo is an audible improvement even with Aurender (owners claim it generates much less noise than PC/MAC).

Will let you and goofyfoot know what I think after it arrives - anticipating two weeks from now.

Thanks nordicnorm. I read that already.

1) ISO Regen greatly reduced noise in Schiit Modi2 according to author’s measurements
2) ISO Regen had no effect on the signal in some other DACs the author happened to have laying around  according to author’s measurements
3) Author barely listened to ISO Regen yet declared no audible difference
4) Other "scientists" attacked author for being an inferior scientist
5) Author attacked other "scientists" for being inferior scientists
6) Yada, yada, yada

Conclusion: Egos makes these types of blogs useless. Worst among "scientists". Listening is the only way to judge audio devices. 30 day return policy facilitates that.
