Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
Active platforms cannot see into the future to react to events that have not yet occurred. Active devices respond in Milli seconds so their rise time can never trace a real time event. Active platforms react to motion with counter motion of their own. Counter motions in both active platforms and suspended platforms average and blend all shear waves in mass. Polarities of shear are fundamental to all things that vibrate. Two things that contains vast and continual amounts of shear are vinyl records and any loudspeaker. To counter either of these audio elements with motion canceling, especially after the real time event has passed reduces efficiency of the device and serves the retention and storage of interfering energy which is added back into the signal path.. Tom
And yet active isolation devices are more than an order of magnitude more effective than passive devices. Imagine that. Gosh, maybe they can see the future. That's why big boys like LIGO use active isolation. Not to mention passive devices are considerably better than nothing at all.

Don’t follow the wrong sheep. If you don’t want to step in sheep do do.

🐑 🐑 🐑 🚶

Butt Geoff in your state of the art 900 sq ft.condo in the heart of suburbia how could you implement stage 4 LIGO into the regular audio crib with real speakers or in your case headphones? Build us a bridge over your own  sheep do do.

Oh Randy-11? Before my coming rebuke, I would like you to expound on your reasoning as to why this theory of isolation for sound improvement cannot work. Feel free to use words or formulae. Just please try to keep it above the 9th grade level if you can.....
Butt Geoff in your state of the art 900 sq ft.condo in the heart of suburbia how could you implement stage 4 LIGO into the regular audio crib with real speakers or in your case headphones? Build us a bridge over your own sheep do do.

>>>>Remind me to re-post the paragraph on pathological skepticism for your benefit, Shouldn’t you be standing out on a ledge somewhere?

Every organ grinder has a monkey. - old audiophile expression

Good monkeys should never throw their feces. - another audiophile expression
