Only one sea story. In 1984 (march 10th I think it was) I was in my rack (about 10pm local time somewhere in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Iran). I had just gotten off of watch (I am a surface warfare officer or ship driver) on the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier and we ran over a Soviet Victor Class sub. I was also the ships Repair Officer and was in charge of the repair efforts. Just crazy.
The guys now are so lucky as they can use their phones with a Mojo or Hugo2 and can's of their choice to get outstanding music. I would have been able to lay down in my hidden hammock I installed on the fantail of the ship. I used to love sleeping out there if I didn't have the night watches. I only got about 3 or 4 hours at a time so I wanted to max out what I had. Even at night it was hot and humid out there, but the fresh air was great. I used to use my cassette walkman out there, lol..WE have come a long way guys.
The guys now are so lucky as they can use their phones with a Mojo or Hugo2 and can's of their choice to get outstanding music. I would have been able to lay down in my hidden hammock I installed on the fantail of the ship. I used to love sleeping out there if I didn't have the night watches. I only got about 3 or 4 hours at a time so I wanted to max out what I had. Even at night it was hot and humid out there, but the fresh air was great. I used to use my cassette walkman out there, lol..WE have come a long way guys.