folkfreak is in one of the most extreme construction-active cities in the U.S.A. right now---Portland Oregon! There is active construction on just about every street in the city. I go into town a few times a week, and am relived when I get back to the Salmon Creek area of Vancouver Washington, about a 20 minute car ride away. Peace and quiet! Plus, my electrical power station is only a 1/4 mile from my house, in a neighborhood with residential housing only---no industry, even light. More quiet. Makes my tinnitus even more audible!
>>> But it’s the vibrations you can’t (rpt can’t) feel that are the real problem, the ones below 10 Hz, the ones produced by the Earth crust motion and subways and traffic. That’s why the iso stands audiophiles drool over these days are the Minus K and the Herzon active ones, or the active Vibraplane, because they go LOW ENOUGH and are stiff enough to address the vibrations that are waaaay down there below 10 Hz, even below 3 Hz. You can run but you can’t hide. Who wants twenty year old technology?