Thiel 3.6 owners - what components are you using?

Thiel 3.6 owners - what compenents are you using with your amp?

I use a Krell amp and Levinson pre-amp but always wonder what it would be like with other gear. I think the Krell's fast and forward sound works well with the Thiels. Gets them rockin'!

Wish my soundstage had a touch more cohesion and height, but then, trade-offs always exist and one must pick and choose the strengths in one's stereo. ... Or is this an issue of speaker positioning? I've worked hard to move my speakers around until they "disappeared".

What have your experiences have been with other amps and pre-amps for these speakers? Tube pre-amps?

Here are some threads covering similar ground:
Unsound is correct they don't always use Classe - although if I was buying a new amp to replace my Carver, Classe would be at the top of my audition list. Some of the best sound that's ever graced my ears have been the 3.6s teamed up with a Classe amp.

Can't believe I didn't get "ridiculed" for using budget gear with my Thiels, either everyone hear is just being polite or snickering quietly (or both)! Look forward to hearing what everyone else is using with thier 3.6s...
Here is what my system will be when the dealer delivers it:

Magnepan 3.6's, MGCC1 andMG12's
Meridian 568.2
Meridian 598
Meridian 558

Any response's?
I'm using a Hafler 9505 Dialblo mosfets driven by a ARC LS-7 triode . I like the combo because it delivers the best of both worlds , speed damping and contol on the bottom end without any brightness and glare, while achieving holographic imaging and smoothness on top. Sort of a You are there quality , provided upstream source material is well recorded. Thiels are unforgiving but reward when properly setup .
Since my post a year ago, I've inserted a Harmonic Tech Magic Digital One cable and a Dodson DA-217MkIID DAC between the Denon DCD-1650AR CD player and the Bryston BP-20 preamp, replaced the Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway II interconnects with Harmonic Tech Magic Link One interconnects, and upgraded the ExactPower EP-2000 to the current ExactPower EP-15A. With all these changes, the sound is much smoother and more detailed, and the soundstage is both larger and more precise.

I also have the ExactPower SP-15A balanced power transformer on order, and I expect this to make another incremental improvement to the sound of the system.

The 3.6's are so transparent that any changes made "upstream" are readily audible.
I'm using Musical Fidelity A300 bought after rave review in Stereophile (150W) and yes sound is transparent quite detailed but lacks dynamics and bass (there is no bass). My previous speakers ProAc Studio100 had much more bass, it is amp to blame, I like this thread, I'm thinking of changing amp on some more capable SS/tube amp.
Are somebody driving Thiels 3.6 with tube amp?
(Do you have bass, dynamics?)