Isolation platform for the power amps

Hi, I have Odyssey Stratos Power amp. at present, it is on the rack. In future, it plan to have Mono blocks and may put them on the floor. Which isolation platforms is appropriate? Not looking for extotic > $ 150 ones ! Thank you.
My new iso stand is somewhat similar only I use a bed of teeny tiny glass microspheres that are almost perfectly round. The "action" is much better with the glass microspheres, you betcha. I also use a large glass tile and springs and diamond hardness cones. Oh, my! I’d post a pic except it’s proprietary. This iso stand simulates the head of a woodpecker that can withstand shock and vibration that accompany decelerations around 1000 g whilst pecking at 20 pecks/second that would otherwise kill it. I call it the Woody the Woodpecker Stand.

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Ha ha hah h, ah, hmm. So, once I charge my 'crystals with the 7.34 htz. pulse generator "The guy in China whom made swears it works", I then manufacture a ground loop using a token ring topology, When the storm comes close I don the requisite aluminium foil headgear "retwisting the horns til tuned" and begin my Gregarian chant while contemplating the zen of the void per Myamoto Musashi. Then I finish the bottle of tequila, bark at the moon and when I wake up I cannot feel any of the vibrations whatsoever. But my head usually hurts for a bit. Or at least until I make bail. What do you do Tweak?
And I do find that the "butcher block type of isolation platform/plinth doesnt work very well. It seems that "Mass rules" when it comes to wood and vibrations/resonance ect.. The abrupt density changes don't help either when the waveforms are longer than the 1" piece glued to the 1.3" piece glued to the....