I personally haven't had any problems with UPS. However, this is a perfect example of why one should keep the original manufacturer's packaging.
I fortunately have a garage where I have installed large shelving all around the garage where I store all my equipment boxes with the internal packaging.
The box can take a beating, but seriously, that is the purpose of the box and packaging in the first place. To protect the component.
Also, any loose item, such as a remote, power cord, etc. should be bubble rapped and placed in such a way that it could not move around.
Audio Research ships their amps with the tubes in foam surround and that itself is actually stuffed inside the amp. Smart. it can't move around at all.
I purchased a vintage Pioneer turntable for my Daughter (yes, she loves albums). It arrived damaged. The seller didn't take into account that the metal platter could actually come off. It did. It destroyed the cartridge and the tonearm clamp. I managed to find a replacement cartridge and vintage tonearm clamp. you can actually find just about any vintage part for pioneer gear.
The seller was a very nice person and was absolutely embarrassed when I told him what happened. He actually credited me the price for all the broken items.
He just didn't think that the platter could come off. Honest mistake and lesson learned.
It arrived via UPS, but this absolutely wasn't UPS' fault.