Avalon Eidolon Diamond-Worth it?

I love my Avalon Eidolon and was wondering if it's worth the price of admission to upgrade to the Diamond model.
The diamond tweeter is absolutely sublime. When properly implemented in a speaker design, and optimized with the proper components, there is no going back. Maybe a touch unassuming at first, it is natural without drawing undue attention to itself. This is a component to be enjoyed over the long haul.
Well, if the Time and, particularly, the Isis are anything to go by, the diamond tweeter is fantastic and the performance of the upper echelon Avalon speakers is beyond reproach.
Well, since I noticed that there was a flurry of responses to this thread, I thought I would update my situation, and offer a quick review of the latest Avalon speaker that I had the opportunity to hear.

First off, I ended up buying the Eggleston Andra II speakers. These are a sealed enclosure design, with twin mounted isobaric 12" woofers, that sound incredible. (They are very transparent, like the Eidolons, but with more bass punch.) They also have the Dynaudio Isotar tweeter, which I like very much, as it seems very refined. (Much more refined that the metallic tweeters from my old Revel Studios.) I am very happy with them.

Second, I have heard the Avalon Isis speakers at a friend's house. Wow! Not much else needs to be said actually, as they were that good.
Now, to be honest, the room needed to have some (more) sonic treatments, (as it was a bit small for these magnificient speakers), so the sound was not absolutely perfect, but one could easily tell that these are speakers are about as close to perfect as one can get, (at least in a dynamic speaker design). They have a very refined treble response, the mid-range is very transparent, and the bass response is deep, quick and powerful. (The only caveat I had about them is that the soundstage is much taller than I am used to. But I think that is merely because of the limitations of the speakers that I am used to.)
I have had avatars myself and i like avalon speakers in general ,i ve heard the eidolon and the diamond version at shows /dealers a couple of times ,nice speakers.
I design ( have them build) speakers myself and i ve listened for many years to a ceramic tweeter , since the last 10 months to a diamond one though ,in my own designs .
These things are formidable ,they can be silky sweet with voices /strings and have at the same time incredible "snap" when a plectrum hits a string , they dont hold back, "a ping is a ping" with an immense feeling of power/rightness behind them.
further very natural/clear and the level of detail exposed risses significantly ,to a maximum who knows ?
They can create a forcefull immensly dynamic sound while staying totally under control, a drumskin is a drumskin as it also has impact on lower frequencies

there is no going back in my opinion , once you have had them in your system youre hooked i reckon .
I have the Avalon Time Speaker here and it makes the best of all Avalon Speakers having Diamond option., for it is also the part and tweeter utilized all the way up to highest-end and/or the highest Avalon Model price wise. I use 200 tube monoblocks and Cardas True Beyond Speaker Cable. The tweeters are an awesome component.