Ohm Speakers, thoughts?

I have long dismissed Ohm speakers as anything that could be competitive in todays state of the art. But of course I want to believe that this "old" American company still has some horsepower left to compete with asian built speakers built by people that take in less money in a week than my dog sitter takes in the couple hours it takes to let my dogs out to crap when I am away for a day :)? The reviews I have read here and there report incredible imaging but what about other aspects of the Ohm 5 II. Any thoughts?
John, if those A's ever become available, PLEASE let me know. I will drive to pick them up. As to the F's, drop me a line if you pick them up and we can compare notes. I have two different sets of modified F's that i dearly love and will never part with. There were more than a few variations during their production run, so one set can vary from another. How big of a difference there is between them would depend on how far apart they were in production.

Noel, the original owners of Ohm had sold it to the current owner, John Strobeen. While i guess that he is very good to work with and takes care of his customers, i think that the newer products are WAY different than the "old school" models that you remember them by. If you ever saw that insides of one of their "Walsh series" of speakers, you would be HIGHLY afraid to spend the money on them. Jon Risch described them as being "built and designed by a child on drugs". While they do offer a completely unmatched ( at least in the speaker industry ) amount of time as a trial period, I know too much about their internals to take them seriously. Let's just say that their newer "Walsh's" are not "Walsh's" as you or i would think of them. That is why they say "no user serviceable parts" within their "sealed cans". They don't want you to know what is in there. If you did, not only would you feel sick, the mystique would be gone. Sean
Sean , will do on the A's, though I am pretty sure the gentleman will have to die or become ill 1st for me to get them, and I like him too much to have that happen anytime soon. I kinda have a standng offer with him, and I think if he were to sell them, I think it would be to me. He liked the fact I knew what they were the 1st time I walked in the room, etc. Hell, I was impressed myself, was a very good guess on my part. He is a wealth of information, and can walk into hs closet and pull out stuff I have never seen, a Houdini of audio so to speak, like so many of the oldtimers with a love of audio are and were.
Will do on the F's as well, should have them next week, one of my many trades. I am actually a little afraid to see the condition, but if they are working, I can work with them.
they use an improved version of the original walsh driver. quite expensive, tho...

doug s.
There is another Canadian based company that takes the "improved" Walsh ( aka "Dick's Dipole Driver" or "bending wave transducer" ) that GP makes and modifies it. It is supposed to blow smoke and walk on water. That is, if you're into the type of presentation that a 360* driver delivers. Can't remember their name, but i want to say it was of Irish descent. If i remember correctly, the price on them was about $18K - $20K for a pair.

John, are these being shipped to you ? If so, drop me an email. I can give you some hints on how to save the drivers. They are EXTREMELY fragile at this point in their life and will need to be "TLC'd" all the way. Sean
Talk about coincidences !?!?!?! Huff is the manufacturer that i was talking about. As luck would have it, he will be demo'ing his products at the next Chicago Audio Society meeting. Boy, i can't wait for this : ) Sean
