connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal

what happens if say Kimber kable 12 tc to pos and lowes 10 gauge grounding wire to neg side or 12 tc biwire  to pos and lamp cord to neg

I have

4- 8 ft lengths of  dh labs q 10....each length has 2 x 12 ga and 2 x 14 ga...

8- 8 ft lengths of dh labs t-14......each length has 2 x 14 ga

4- 8 ft length of solid copper  8 ga grounding wire from lowes sheathed in heat shrink tubing shrunk only at ends...

many other copper speaker wire from radio shack flat braid to 8 ga stranded

how do I connect to 4 post bi wire speaker terminals....

I have run  4 of the t-14 to each speaker and it sounded better than 1 run of q-10...1 length of t-14 to each terminal

if I use 1 length of q-10 to each pos terminal what do I use for neg terminal or suggestions for connection needed

thanks, chalmersiv

Chalmersiv, the answer to your question is of course not predictable with any kind of certainty, in part because cable effects are dependent to a significant degree on the technical characteristics of what is being connected.  And in the case of a speaker cable, among other things on how the impedance of the speaker varies as a function of frequency, as well as the nominal impedance of the speaker, and perhaps in some cases also on the amplifier's output impedance and on how much feedback its design incorporates.

But as I mentioned earlier the inductance of a speaker cable can be drastically degraded (i.e., increased) if the + and - conductors are not in very close proximity.  Although whatever significance that may have will depend on the impedance of the speaker at high frequencies, and also on the length of the cable.  And I note that the description of the T-14 cites low inductance as one of its key features, while the description of the Q-10 does not.  That despite the fact that the materials used for their conductors and dielectrics are apparently the same.

So for that reason, together with what has been said earlier about the + and - conductors having essentially equal importance, I would recommend against using any of the cheaper wires you listed for the negative conductors.

What I would suggest that you try, if you already haven't, is using BOTH the T-14 and the Q-10 in parallel.  And in each case with the conductors that are enclosed within a given cable jacket being used for BOTH + and - (which if I understand your last post correctly may not have been what you were doing), rather than for just one polarity.  Also, I'm not sure if I understand whether your Q-10 is configured with a sufficient number of connections for biwiring, but if not use it in parallel with the T-14 for the bass connections, and use the additional T-14s alone for the mid/hi connections.

On another note:  Jim & Kijanki, thanks again for the nice words.  Kijanki, in response to your question, no, I have never been a teacher, and I have not ever had any particular desire to be one.  But in my career working in a corporate environment I have always found it advantageous to be able to communicate in as clear and precise a manner as possible.

Also, speaking of being knowledgeable, I'll mention that Jim's (Jea48's) knowledge of all things electrician-related continually amazes me.  And I've certainly learned more than a few things from his posts over the years.  As well as having had the pleasure in various threads here of the two of us successfully resolving more than a few problems people have had with their systems.

Best regards,
-- Al
Am I the only one that detects a self congratulatory and self serving tone in that last post? Especially in view of the fact he went to such lengths to answer a question he clams he didn’t even understand. More high hilarity on the forum. The fun never stops 😀


AC transmission using wire conductors.


Could you please explain in more detail the relationship of the electromagnetic wave, that travels in the space outside of the conductor, (At near the speed of light), and the "current" that travels very slowly slightly vibrating back and forth at 60Hz in the conductor. From what I understand the movement of the current in the conductor is quite slow.... Correct?

The electromagnetic wave is caused by the applied source voltage and the "current", "charge", in the conductor? (Amount of current in the closed circuit determined by the resistance of the connected load. I = E/R)..... Correct?

Am I correct in saying you can’t have the electromagnetic wave without having current? Install an on/off switch in series in the circuit. Close the switch the current passes through the switch contacts through the load and back to source.... Correct?

The bigger the load, the more current in the conductor. The more current in the conductor the larger the electromagnet wave.... Correct? And of course the conductor, wire, must have a current, ampere rating, to safely carry the current in the wire so the wire will not overheat.

IF the wire is too small to handle the amount of current in the wire is it the current that causes the wire to overheat or is it the energy of the electromagnetic wave? Please explain in detail.


Not to confuse things, if only a voltage, (potential), is present, an electromagnet field will exist outside of the conductor/s without there being current... Correct?


I know it is the energy, from the electromagnetic wave, that makes a heating element heat up and gives off its’ heat into the surrounding air around it. It is not the "current" directly causing the resistance element to heat up.... Correct?

I know the amount of energy consumed,(in watts), by the resistance element is determined by the source voltage and the resistance, in ohms, of the resistance element. E / R = I and we know the current..... Correct?

The Fuse.....

E x I = P

E = voltage

I = Current, amps

P = power, energy, measured in, watts, VA

A fuse rated at 2 amps with a maximum voltage rating of 250V. herman said it is the energy of the electromagnetic wave passing on the outside of the fuse element link that causes it to melt and blow open when the fuse is overloaded.


Isn’t the size, (for lack of a better word), of the electromagnetic wave energy determined by the applied source voltage and the current in a closed circuit? E x I = P. Is not P the energy of the electromagnetic wave?

So say the load is 150 watts and a 2 amp 250V fuse is used to protect the load. The FLA of the 150 watt load is, 150W/120V = 1.25 amps.

Here is where I get hung up. As you know a 2 amp 250V fuse can be used for any voltage 250V or less. It could be used where the voltage is 24V. The ampere rating of the fuse is still 2 amps. So to me the current has to be some component that causes the fuse to blow when the current that passes through the fuse link and exceeds 2 amps in the time curve set by the fuse manufacture. NOTE I did not say current flow.

WOW,... I know,..... I sure have a lot of questions on my mind. Blame herman.

Very best regards,


Hi Jim,

As always you ask good questions.  Regarding the first one, though...
Could you please explain in more detail the relationship of the electromagnetic wave, that travels in the space outside of the conductor, (At near the speed of light), and the "current" that travels very slowly slightly vibrating back and forth at 60Hz in the conductor.
... I'm not sure what I can add to what I said in my long post above dated 8-23-2017 at 7:08 p.m. EDT.

Regarding your other questions:
From what I understand the movement of the current in the conductor is quite slow.... Correct?
Correct, assuming "current" is defined as the movement of charge carriers (i.e., electrons in a metallic conductor).  An example described in the Wikipedia writeup on Drift Velocity indicates that for a current of 1 ampere in a copper conductor of 2 mm diameter the velocity calculates to 23 um/second  ("um" = millionths of a meter).  As noted in the writeup, btw, random movement of electrons even in the absence of "current" occurs at a far greater velocity (the Fermi velocity) than the "drift velocity" of current, although the Fermi velocity is still vastly slower than the speed of electromagnetic wave propagation. 
Am I correct in saying you can’t have the electromagnetic wave without having current?
Yes, in the case of electrical energy that is being conveyed via wires.  Electromagnetic waves can of course propagate in free space, as in the cases of radio waves and light waves.
The bigger the load, the more current in the conductor. The more current in the conductor the larger the electromagnet wave.... Correct?
Yes, assuming "larger" is interpreted in the sense of having "more energy."
IF the wire is too small to handle the amount of current in the wire is it the current that causes the wire to overheat or is it the energy of the electromagnetic wave? Please explain in detail.
The Poynting Vector, which describes the direction in which energy is being propagated, would be perfectly parallel to the conductor if the conductor's resistance were zero.  Since that resistance is non-zero, the Vector will tilt slightly toward the conductor, resulting in a small amount of energy being transferred into conductor, absorbed by its resistance, and converted to heat.  In effect, the resistance of the conductor causes it to become part of the load.
... if only a voltage, (potential), is present, an electromagnet field will exist outside of the conductor/s without there being current... Correct?
I'm not 100% certain, but I believe in that situation an electric field would be present, but not a magnetic field.
I know it is the energy, from the electromagnetic wave, that makes a heating element heat up and gives off its’ heat into the surrounding air around it. It is not the "current" directly causing the resistance element to heat up.... Correct?
As I've said, in the case of electrical signals (or power) being conducted via wires the electromagnetic wave and "the current" go hand-in-hand, and one would not exist without the other.  So the question is essentially just an academic/philosophical one IMO, not unlike the classical question of whether the chicken or the egg came first. 

Your succeeding statements involving E, I, P, etc. are of course correct.
herman said it is the energy of the electromagnetic wave passing on the outside of the fuse element link that causes it to melt and blow open when the fuse is overloaded.
It is energy absorbed **from** the electromagnetic wave by the non-zero resistance of the conductor in the fuse, which as I said causes the Poynting vector to tilt slightly toward the conductor, that causes it to blow.
Is not P the energy of the electromagnetic wave?
They are proportional, but strictly speaking energy corresponds to power x time.
Here is where I get hung up. As you know a 2 amp 250V fuse can be used for any voltage 250V or less. It could be used where the voltage is 24V. The ampere rating of the fuse is still 2 amps. So to me the current has to be some component that causes the fuse to blow when the current that passes through the fuse link and exceeds 2 amps in the time curve set by the fuse manufacture. NOTE I did not say current flow.
In my earlier long post I defined "the current" as follows:
What can be referred to as "the current," as opposed to "the signal," can be considered as corresponding to the number of electrons traversing a given cross-section of a conductor in a given amount of time. One ampere of current, for example, corresponds to one coulomb per second, where one coulomb corresponds to the amount of charge possessed by about 6.2 x 10^18 electrons.
Since the amount of energy that is absorbed from the electromagnetic wave by the conductor in the fuse and converted into heat (causing it to blow if excessive) is proportional to both the energy that is being conveyed by that wave and to "the current," it is reasonable (and of course far more practical) to analyze the situation in terms of amperes and ohms, rather than in terms of joules (a unit of energy) and Poynting Vectors.

And correspondingly, since in the case of electrical signals (or power) being conducted via wires the slow moving "current" and the very fast moving electromagnetic wave go hand-in-hand (as I've explained), IMO it would be meaningless to think of one but not the other as being the cause of the fuse blowing.


-- Al