Zu def 4 are they the best speaker made?

I have been a Zu fan for a long time starting with the presence and moving to Definition 3 then to Definition 4.

In my opinion if you like Americana, Rock music
Blues or Bluegrass, then these speakers with the right electronics and room, I really feel like the room matters as much as components.

these speakers lack nothing in my opinion you have great soundstage as well as intimacy and realistic bass.

i have tried a lot of different amps and preamps
But for me as Cobra from this site.  suggested a good 845 amp is a match made in audio heaven!

I'm using a Jhango passive and my 845 is a Larry Moore Monaco with some upgraded parts

Lampizator Dac and transport thru a MacBook Pro with Tidal and it’s simply amazing!!

for vinyl I have a modded table from George Merrill of Memphis Tn, great guy by the way.

and my phono pre is Heed quasar , nothing crazy expensive and I would put it up against anything I have had the pleasure to listen to.

my point is Zu makes a fantastic speaker on top of amazing customer service. But with the right gear they can sound as good as it gets.

i know that’s a bold statement but these speakers are so immediate and life like without any limitations that I can hear but it’s just my opinion.

Check them out for yourself, you may feel the same way.

Unless you are playing them outside, the room has the most impact on how a system will perform. That's the bottom line.

maybe these speakers just work with the op's set up.  I've had a few speakers in my systems over the last 30+ years.

I currently run a fully modified and upgraded pair of SoundLab A1's augmented with a pair of Sunfire Subrosa subs.

so far, that's been "the best" speaker set up I've had. Before that it was a pair of Carver Amazings... so as someone else pointed out.. it is all about room interaction and context, plus your personal preferences..
Love the Zu guys.
Something very appealing about the "live" quality of their high sensitivity speakers. I have had Druid in and out of my setup several times. But they are currently sitting disconnected in the hallway. Because for me tonal balance is a priority. Check the response curve:
They are very fun listening, but not an everyday solution according to my preferences.
PS. That curve is for an older version. I hope someone can post a link to measurements for a more current model. It probably looks a lot better. Of course measurements aren’t everything.
Best speaker ever made? You gotta be kidding... If anything, it's one of the worst, and for the money, definitely not worth it.

Bad bass, horrible blurry mids, crappy extension, and for all their high efficiency, not even that dynamic or lively even.

The damn things sell for $16900. There's like a million better products out there for HALF this money, let alone at this price.

I definitely don't get it.

I think I saw Zu speakers at an audio show only once. They kept me less than 30 seconds in the room. Don't remember the model or any details, just the brand.

Also, I remember reading this comment about some Zu speakers (yes, it was for a cheaper model):

**** Munich High-End 2016 ****
"Right: Zu loudspeaker from whizzer cone driver and compression driver fitted with waveguide. The speaker sounded plain awful. Close to worst sound on show." 

Nice ad, though.