Ohm is high end, the misinformed 3x0 guy don't know what he's talking about.
I have the walsh 2, 2xo and pro 200 and happy with them.
I agree about the OHM F, they where considered in the 70's the best loudspeaker in the world according to a lot of reviewers.
I remember reading the stereo review articles on them.
I like ohm when they had the various models that last thru the 90's like the FRS, SOUND CYLINDERS and the F2, F3'S...
Besides the 300 MK 2'S, I wouldn't consider any of the smaller current ohm's like micro walsh and the 100mk2, or 200 mk 2...
I like the old design and cabinetry you find on the F'S, G'S, 2,3,4, 5.
I wished ohm went back to the original driver and cabinet designs with the many choices.
It sounds like a lot of old high end companies have downsized their designs. Infinity and polks are good examples. At least ESS SPEAKERS still uses their old design in both cabinet and driver.
Klipsch being older than these companies at least custom make to their OLD designs by special order.
What matters is that you are happy with what you have and what you hear both old and new. I love the old stuff myself.
When it comes to speaker designs, there are few companies who make new systems i admire, for the most part, i like yester years designs like i mentioned with OHM, infinity, polk, klipsch, ess, magnepan, acoustat, apogees, altec lansing, JBL, and many more. Newer is not always better.
There are things in life in which you don't need re invent the wheel. Some of us like turntables and no matter how many types of digital products come out, howbeit they're marvelous, they're not vinyl turntables and a different form of a music source, the same with cassette decks and open reel, you simply can't replace them by cd or dvd or mp3 digital players, totally different music source.
That's why it's hard to get rid of analog, there always be enthusiast and followers, and the same with vintage speakers such as OHM'S!