Best amp for KEF LS50

Looking for best possible amplifier for KEF LS50s. I have tried Parasound Halo A23,  Benchmark's new amp and ,currently the Audio Alchemy DPA-1. So far, Audio Alchemy sounds the best, Parasound next and Benchmark the least satisfying, But, I'm still wanting a better match. I'm looking under $3000, tubes or solid state, new or used, and hopefully not huge and weighing a ton. I would really appreciate recommendations.

What type of sound do you like? The reason I ask is because I am close to buying the Benchmark amp to go with my KEF LS50 and Benchmark DAC2. Your dissatisfaction with the Benchmark is surprising to read since all the prior reports I have read were very positive. What did you not like about the Benchmark?

Hegel amp/integrated are being demo with KEF speakers at shows, both the LS50 and Blade2. You may want to check out a Hegel. The new Bryston 3B-SST3 is also another amp to consider. I heard the new Wyred4Sound amp with the KEF Reference 1 recently and it sounded great.

Also check out the DARKO web site which has a lot of reviews of amps with the LS50.

BTW - I am currently using a Parasound A23 amp with the KEF LS50, but this amp is dying a slow death and needs to be replaced.
Unfortunately, the Halo A23 is not half the amp that the A21 is.  A criticism I hear of the LS50 is that they can sound forward/harsh with the wrong electronics.