With a test tone such as found on Test CDs and even Test Records and a SPL level meter, it’s a snap to find ALL locations in the room, including those in the 3 dimensional space, where very high sound pressure exist. By "very high" I mean at least 4 to 6 dB above the average sound pressure in the room. Maybe as much as 8 dB or more (depending on how you define average SPL) which, for those without a calculator handy, is almost 10 times the average SPL in the room.
Fortunately there are many tools at the audiophile’s disposal, including but not limited to echo panels, corner pads and panels, tiny little bowl resonantors, Mpingo discs, Helmholtz resonators, Tube Traps, crystals, Marigo VTS dots, Skyline diffuser. Thus, any shape or size room can be tamed, even square rooms. I might take time, I’m not sayin’ it won’t. 😄 But without a method it's a very uphill battle, dear readers.