unity gain active tube preamp?

Short version: I am looking for a unity gain active tube preamp. The only one I have found on-line is the Audion line (Premier 2.0 is more or less in my price range). Not really familiar with them. I was wondering whether there were other preamps like this worth considering???

Longer: I have a Lampi Atlantic Plus Balanced DSD only dac, a Cary SLP-05 pre, a Modwright KWA-150se power amp, all driving Aerial Model 9 speakers. This combination has too much gain (Lampi has 3v output voltage, Cary maxes at 2v). I am using Endler attenuators to control the gain (before pre works better than before power), but they impair dynamics.

Some on the Lampi Circle recommend a passive, but I prefer a richer tone. The Tortuga pre sounds like it might work, but it is an impedance mismatch for my system and I would need to use their tube buffer as well. That buffer would require me to use another set of ics and possibly another PS (more damn boxes) and i don't really want to go that route. Also, their buffer is brand new and lacks the clear positive feedback of their passives.

So, I had been told that there were zero gain active tube press that might work for me. However, when i did a search I could only find the one. Please let me know if there are other options.

Thanks much.
Someone from audiocircle asked NickT at Schiit, the Freya tube output gain is 10 dB single-ended and 20 dB balanced.
Maybe the tube section can be modified to unity gain?
Thanks. Btw, my setup is fully balanced.

We've done buffer-style versions of our preamps on occasion per customer requests. Our preamps were the first balanced preamps made.