What integrated can replace over -bright exposure 3010?

Just got an Exposure 3010S2.,paired with my Spendor A6s.Its supposed to be a great combo. Its a lovely amp , fast( really fast) dynamic, good resolution, provides insight into the performance, BUT it is very forward,  distinctly bright and can get hard when you raise the volume. As a result I can't relax in front of the music.
Any suggestions for a better amp  which offers much the same qualities without the brightness-under $3K new?

Highly recommend the JOB INTegrated, built in Switzerland at the Goldmund factory. And yes it is spelled that way.

I am a distributor for audio but we do not bring in this product because it is a direct sale. The built in dac is also very good.

I assume you did, but still have to ask - did you give a good 24 hr. warm up before critical assessment? My old reliable stand-by ADCOM GFA 5500 sounds a bit bright and forward until fully warmed for about 24 hr. and then settles in to sounding quite nice. The amp (integrated amp) I settled on - after many hours of home listening - to pair with my Maggie 1.7s, is the Rouge Cronus Mag ll. With the KT 120 tubes, is very dynamic, open and detailed with just the right amount of smooth and very musical. I know allot of tubers love the EL 34s but, in my system, just a bit to milky for me. If you can't get your Exposure dialed in - the Cronus Mag. ll might be an option. Like your Spendors, the Maggie 1.7s are very quick and detailed and the Cronus does a very nice job with them.
Since others think this amp is not bright I thought: what else  do I have that they don't?
Answer : a different power cord. So I swopped out my after-market Pangea cord and repaced it with the generic-looking cord that came with the amp.
Result: brightness/glare  toned down a bit, at the cost of a little bit of impact/prescence.
Why?? I have no idea!
I knew power cords could affect the bass response but never thought it would affect the treble.....
The first thing we recommended you do was to replace your cables!

See our first post to you. 

Cheapie cables generally do not perform well, and the DNM is okay cabling. 

Pangea is a cheapie power cord so of course it is doing some weird things. a good power cord $300 and above will get you greater treble detail without making anything sound bright or missing bass.

The first thing you should do would be to demo a full loom of better cabling and then see what the system sounds like and you do need a better digital front end as well.

Audio Doctor NJ

can you give a few suggestions for a power cord under $300 that I could try?  There are so many out there I wouldn't know where to begin.