HEGEL H80 volume question

Ok anybody who saw my question in PC Audio section knows I'm looking for a nice set up to ease back into the audio game but be able to simply use apple iTunes and Music.

I know the comments you can't stop hearing about are the LS50's and I guess Hegel also. I have a buddy who swears buy the set up and I have heard the LS50's and they were fine to my ears with an old B&W OR BW140? AMP and matching preamp although it was a cd playing at a party.

Ok back to the Hegel, is there an issue with the volume? I researched on here and I saw a few people claiming they had volume issues and my buddy also mention about playing with the volume or input volume to get a good low and mid volume.

My question I guess is this due to the amp itself or an issue with the type of volume the amp has? I know that sometimes when I stream music to even my car stereo the volume isn't always correct. Is it because of the Airplay? the type of volume it has? or the actual Hegel that is know for it?

I dont in any way want to throw Hegel under the bus and know questions never disappear on the net but don't want  wind up with something that needs constant fiddling. 

Thanks and appreciate the help.
Ok thanks!! I just wanted to be assured it wasn't a design issue. Every mfg has a bad one and are to be judged how they handle the problem vs the problem itself.