Dragon Vibe, your points are interesting but don't make a lot of sense.
We have not heard of Quested loudspeakers until now, your comments about them being more musical in your opinion is interesting.
ATC loudspeakers are extremely musical and are very natural sounding. Their speakers are raved reviewed in almost every audio magazine that has ever tested them and they are often praised for how real and life like and unhyped sounding they are.
The drivers that ATC builds are amoung the best drivers you can buy, and the fact that most of the world's largest and most prestigous mastering and mixing facilities all use ATC is proof postive of the pedegree of the speakers.
As per the commercial and residential being identical that is also not true, current residential models have a different voicing than the studio versions there are also a few tweeks done to the residential models, these make the consumer versions a tad more laid back sounding.
Yes Trevor Horn is an excellent composer but the fact that he uses these speakers actually means very little, Herbie Hancok uses Terra speakers does that mean Terra is better or Quested is better because a musician or composer uses them? In this industry many people are often exposed to one brand and they like that product and rarely explore the entire gamut
So did Trevor listen to ATC or PMC or Adam or whatever before using these speakers the only one who knows that is Mr. Horn.
ATC is a gem of a speaker, we have been dealers for them for about 1 year,however, we always knew of the speakers, it was just impossible to hear them
We heard an active set of SCM 40 at the last New York Audio show and boy were we hooked, the speakers are unbelievably good and the ATC SCM 19 are just so remarkable.
The biggest issue with ATC is how little the Audiophile world really knows about them.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ