Best universal disc player that has great audio reproduction?

I was flirting with the idea of replacing my separate BluRay player and my Classe cd player with a all in one universal player.
The movie portion is used sparingly but I do have a fair collection of bluray and dvd discs so as long as a decent performer in that region that will be good enough.
The crunch obviously is in the audio reproduction.
Recommendations for a true universal player leaning towards audio on a budget of approx. 2k used.
Thank you
Does the modwright make that much difference?
I ask as I have an oppo 105 and while a superb movie machine, its CD playback feels, well sterile for want of a better description.
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You can also check out the mods from Ric Schultz at EVS - Rick does a serious mod to the Oppo 105 and his work guaranteed for life (see his website for details). I don't own a mod'd Oppo 105, but I do own an older Oppo player that Ric mod'd and it was awesome for the price.
I think it makes all the difference in the world. I find it very analog sounding with the ability to tube roll to customize the sound to your liking. After the mods, you wind up with a very "non-sterile" player that can play whatever you throw at it. If you sold you 105, you would have enough to buy a modded 105 and be within your budget. I have owned McIntosh players but to my ears, the ones I have had in my own home sounded veiled. I'm not bashing McIntosh at all, I own probably a dozen McIntosh pieces of equipment. Good Luck!
Not quite sure I would be anywhere near the price of a modwright 105, the only ones I have seen are in the 2500 range. I paid just 650 for my 105 in lightly used shape. 
Might be a better bet to just have my existing 105 "modded", will have to research this some more