@luvrockin - it sounds as though you are aware that a good cable is only as good as your weakest link - be it a cable or a component.
- i.e. If you have decided on a cable, then all of the cables in that signal path should be of similar quality.
If a component is of a lessor quality than the cable connecting it - then that one great interconnect will not make too much difference sound quality wise.
Having said that - you could simply try the cable in various places until the best sound quality is observed - i.e. trust your ears - or...
- In a "phased-in" approach such as this, I would group the good components and cables together,
- so in your case I would use the good IC between the pre-amp and the main amp.
- Now you can rest assured that this signal path is performing to optimum levels.
- Later on if you try other cables between a source and the pre-amp you will probably hear more of a difference between those cables due to the settled signal path between the pre-amp and the amp.
Cables need to "settle-in" each time they are reconnected in order for them to sound their best - I have observed this can take from 24-60 hours - depending on the cable.
In that time the sound quality can vary and colour a person’s judgement as to the improvements observed.
Leaving a cable in place once connected is perhaps the best thing an audiophile can do. Re-seating can be performed from time to time, but no more than a couple of times a year - if that.
And - make sure to re-seat all of the cables at the same time and then allow for settling.
This applies to ALL cables, but there are times when pulling the power cable cannot be avoided - i.e. lightening storms.
Hope that helps - Steve