Duelund DCA16GA

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone have try this cable? I have never try the original WE cable but I want to buy this cable for my speaker. Other candidate is supra cable.

Can someone give some feedback?

Just curious what the concern is of not cleaning off the oil? Possible bad connection for the speaker posts? I haven't had a problem with the 16g speaker wire where I've used it and always thought that the oil is what partly helps give Duelund it's sound. Are you guys cleaning off the oil but then applying some type of deoxit gold or furutech liquid? Just wondering what people are doing.
The oil is dried up and wax like. It coats the wire making for a less direct connection. That’s all.
Mitch2 & Grannyring; I am settled right now with a combination of both of you recommendations.  I am using Bi wire 10 awg Western electric with no connectors(bare wire). Surprisingly in my system, the single wire sounded with less highs and little less defined low ended; everything changed with the biwire, better highs, clear low end, more dynamic and of of course the famous nice midrange that this cables are famous for.  Thanks a lot for your inputs. Cheers,
I NEED GUD SOUND ADVICE                                                                    SETUP.                                                                                                          BP9080X TOWER. BP8060 TOWERS REAR SURROUND.ALL DEF TECH                   4 HEIGHT SPEAKERS IN FRONT 2 DOLBY ATMOS 2 SR9080 DEF TECH surround  & 2REAR SR9080 SURROUND                EMOTIVA. XPA9 GEN 3 AMP.W/XLR OUTS.                                             SR8802A PREAMP MARANTZ                                                                   WITH BASIC BEST BUY SPEAKER WIRE CAN I IMPROVE SOUND QUALITY WITH SPEAKER WIRE & XLR CABLES. UPGRADES WILL I TELL THE DIFFERENCE I'M READING ALOT OF AUDIO FORUMS THIS STUFF COST WHATS A GUD WIRE & CABLE BUDGET FOR WHAT I HAVE THXS AUDIO COMMUNITY