Spend more money on the amp or the pre-amp?

Let's say you have $800 total.  How much would you expect to spend on the Amp vs the Preamp? 50/50? 75/25?

What about if you have $400 total?  Does that change the ratio?

With $800, Maybe 50-50 but I would prefer to spend more on the preamp. At this budget, you'll have to consider an 80's classic amp and there are several in the $3-400 range like PS Audio or B&K, then I would match it with a nice Dyna PAS 3, they are extremely musical.

If it were me, I'd jump right on that PS Audio 2C+ and the Dyna PAS3 that are now on A'gon.  If Audiomart, I'd look at the Musical Design, Apt Holman or PS Audio 100 Delta and the Blair Chapman tube preamp or the other custom tube preamp - I think any of these would smoke an integrated....

With $400, definitely Integrated is the way to go.  On Audiomart there is a 300B SET int amp for $450 that would smoke everything away.  In fact, I'd probably take that over the $800 separates
The preamp come first, and it must be good, till the level you want for the all system (and more, if possible).  Then the amp, with the power y speakers need. That's my point of view and what I made on my system. 
I have been convinced for a long time that a great preamp is the heart of a system. At $800, as others have said, I would go for an integrated, but at higher price points, I don't see a hard and fast rule. The days my preamp ratio is 45:55. Some years back- when I had my first truly great preamp, the ratio was more like 60:40. That preamp was a CJ 17LS2. 
I agree with looking for a good integrated with a $800 budget.  If you want new, I'd look at the Yamaha A-S801.  6 moons gave it a very good review.  You could probably find something better sonically in the used market, but the built-in DAC on the 801 appears impressive - so a great value.

If I was looking at separates for $800, I'd probably buy a used Haffler amp that's been moded by Musical Concepts.  That will probably leave around $200 left for a pre-amp.  Might be able to find a Musical Fidelity or Creek (or other) on ebay for that.

So many directions you could go...

+1 for lou’s comment .
A good Dyna Pas3 or one of its many clones is the best buy in all of audio.
Truth be told , a rational person(leaves me out) will never need more.

Also true the new Yamaha integrateds , even the lowest , are great sounding and great buys .