I guess I have to sell my Tekton Enzos

because Eric said the DI's slaughter the Enzos. Better yes. Slaughter, I doubt it. If they slaughter the Enzos they probably slaughter the Enzo 2.7's as well. I'm sure Eric will put out some spin saying how much better the 2.7's are. What a load of crap. I can just imagine Dave Wilson saying the Sashas slaughter the WP8's or Harry Weisfeld saying the VPI Prime slaughters the Traveler. Marketing 101: Don't diss your own products. What Eric said about the Enzo is a slap in the face to every Enzo owner out there. I'm sure the DI's are better, but not in every situation. I'm very happy with my Enzos and very disappointed with Eric Alexander. He should know better. End of rant.
I would touch any of his stuff.     What he should of said is.  There %3 better 
Or there %32 better  
Thanx.  Sorry if i bothered
twoch ... the phrase is "Should have said" .... but should of said reminds me of being 10 again, so thanks. :)

Seriously .... 32% better is an objective number. Slaughter is a subjective observation.

The man seems, at least to me, to be trying to make the point that his twice as expensive DI's are going to "slaughter" his half as expensive Enzos.

All too often, doubling the price gets little to no improvement in sound quality.

I have seen the word slaughter used in Car magazines when one car beats another by 2 seconds in a 120 second lap.

Perhaps Eric should elaborate on what "slaughter" is to him. That would be quite educational.
Sorry, but I DO agree completely with you. 
While it may be true that the DI's are better, as the designer he should never be so indelicate with his comments.
Moreover, if they weren't better, why bring them to market?

Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

I used to own the focus se and I couldn't be happier with my DI's
