Isolation platform for the power amps

Hi, I have Odyssey Stratos Power amp. at present, it is on the rack. In future, it plan to have Mono blocks and may put them on the floor. Which isolation platforms is appropriate? Not looking for extotic > $ 150 ones ! Thank you.
Uh huh, You mean the "Big boy's", whom still cannot decide whether gravity is actually a wave or particle "effect",? Let alone prove it? And there's a guy in the corner shouting, "It's the wave effect (on) particles!", Those guys?

Huh?! Gravity is neither a wave or particle. A gravity wave is simply a manifestation of gravity. I trust you don't think waves in water are particles.

So your saying that the wave's in water are "not", made up of particles? "A gravity wave is simply a manifestation of gravity."?????   Which of course means that YOU Jeff, MUST have solved it! Define and expound please!       Seriously, Where did ya get that from? That may well be someone's "theory" but based on what? At this time, that's all that it is, 
A "theory". Hee hee hee.   Yer killin me over here Jeff.....Ha ha ha ha

It's pretty obvious you must've spent waaay too much time at NASA. Oh, well, have you given any consideration to like a refresher course on physics or anything? 

Education cn be defined as what's left after you subtract what you forgot from school. ~ Old audiophile expression


Now that’s funny!

We can only imagine what the 'Big Boys' are planning next for audio reproduction? And really hope the next big thing fits inside a sound room.  ⌣

Geoffery, you are boring us to death with the same old repetitive one liners. They remind me of a deep scratch in a record…itch …itch …itch …itch … It’s really time for some new material, please?

Robert - Star Sound    

Poor, Robert. A lost little sheep. That's what happens when you follow the wrong sheep. In your case, Mr. Michael Green. Like peas and carrots. It's like he's right here. 😀

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