Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering

Like many of you, I have been pondering purchasing these speakers but am very curious about the unusual tweeter array. I asked the smartest speaker person that I know (he is a student of Sean Olive) about the design and below is what he had to say.   

"In theory it could work, but the driver spacing means that the crossover point would need to be very low.
He is using the SB acoustics tweeter which is 72mm in diameter, center to center on the outside opposing drivers is around 5.7 inches, which is about 2400Hz. This means that combing would stop between 1/4 to 1/2 of the wavelength (between 1200-600Hz) is where the outside tweeters should start playing nice with each other.
Since he is not using low enough crossover points he has created a comb filtering monster. Now while it's not the great point source that was promised, it's no worse than most line arrays and the combing will average itself out given enough listening distance.

The MTM spacing on the other hand is ridiculous. Hopefully he is cutting the top end off on one of those midrange drivers to avoid combing."

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@mikirob 306 posts and finally one worth reading, or should we be on stage reciting!!! : )

Thank you! Wonderful stuff.
Thank you david_ten

Unfortunately, a "moderator" doesn't have a similar sense of humor or literary expertise and removed my Shakespearean post to another poster who I certainly deem as a damaging entity to a business based on baseless innuendo, lies, misbegotten misinformation, and other "crimes and misdemeanors." Yet, his foolish posts live. 

Something to to think about: when a poster makes outrageous claims against a product, business, unwarranted and not substantiated by facts, just comical BS, one needs to question the dogged attacks. Are they a rival business using Internet forums to sully a business rival? Are they the boyfriend of an ex-wife? Or any myriad of other illegitimate reasons. Most of the data in this thread by the dissenting minority is innuendo and fraudulent. There is also sidelong personal attracts against Eric Alexander, the designer of Tekton. The "moderator" should look at some of those crass attacks and gross disturbing distortions by some posters. Best, mikirob