If Technics/Panasonic decided to " hit " the high-end audiophile market the 10R is a good point to begin with.
This company is part of the gigantic Japanese enterprise Matushita thatis one of the bigger ( if not the biggest. ) electronic corporation in the world.
This means endless human resources and money along latest technologies. They are leaders in what they market.
Now, all those resources could means nothing if Technics does not have today the very specific needs in the true and serious high-end audiophile market for each audio item that conforms an audio system but if they make its work/research and develops the TTs with that specific knowledge level then what a great notice we have here.
If Technics discover all the high-end market needs then we can say that the best time for audio is forthcoming sooner that we can imagine.
We have to remember that historical Technics designed every single audio system items where TTs was only one of those products.
They designed full electronics line, MM and LOMC cartridges, tonearms and even speakers and all their product always first rate and at the top of the top quality performance.
I hope they can do it again because that kind of action can motivate Pionner or Denon to come back to the today high-end market. Where Pionner and Denon where very competitive against Technics in those old times. We just have to remember the Exclusive line in Pioneer or DP-100 with Denon but both were in electronics and speakers too and we have to add companies as Sony or Yamaha and some other.
All great enterprises with huge resources and very competitive in between.
An scenario with all those Japanese companies is and can be HISTORICAL for say the least and between other things means that the today extremely high price tags that every day goes higher then will go lower and lower for the top audio items will be affordable for almost all of us.
People say here in my country: " when you see your neighbour beard to cut then put yours to soak ".
So, the Technics annoucement is a very good " warning " for the today true audio high-end industry for they WAKE UP and develops the audio items the market truly needs with the rigth price tags and not following given us " MORE OF THE SAME " at every time higher prices.
As I said that 10R is a great notice for all of us. Now we have to wait a little and see if Technics decides to really stay in our market.
I really hope all those can happens ! ! ! !
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,