OK all you Infinity RS 1A/1B Beta speaker owners..

.......everyone tells me to bypass the active crossover and drive my mid-range/tweeter towers directly rather then having the pre-amp conected to the crossover. Can someone tell me the step by step procedure on how this is done?
Also, are there any other mod's to the "active" servo crossover???

Thanks again for all your support and help!
The IIb's are the same way, a point source, just with less EMIMs. The Center EMIM is run twice as loud as the other two above and below it.

Here is a link to a thread with posts by a guy who replaced his RS1B EMIMs one pair at a time starting with the high ones - he thought they blended well...

Ait Thank you I have not read the thread yet. I am hopeing the diaphrams are as good as most are saying they are. Thank you again