Best universal disc player that has great audio reproduction?

I was flirting with the idea of replacing my separate BluRay player and my Classe cd player with a all in one universal player.
The movie portion is used sparingly but I do have a fair collection of bluray and dvd discs so as long as a decent performer in that region that will be good enough.
The crunch obviously is in the audio reproduction.
Recommendations for a true universal player leaning towards audio on a budget of approx. 2k used.
Thank you
I really do not know if tubes would benefit my system....guess there would only be one way to find
Present system consists of..
McIntosh c48 pre
Blusound vault music server
BAT vk600se power amp
Clearaudio emotion 4 table with clearaudio artist cart.
Wilson witt series 1 speakers
Mix of cardas and van den huul cables
Raided the oppo 105 from the ht rig for now playing back through its xlr into the c48 and it sounds pretty darn good T bh.

My bet is that tubes in your source would be of tremendous benefit based on your equipment list and especially if you could run the music server into the MW Oppo as well. The tube output stage is a revelation.

Seems like I may have to save my cents to go with the modwright mod, as I already own the 105 it probably makes the most sense right now.
And yes I could feed the Vault into the oppo as it has dig inputs.
May have to wait for the xmas
Hi uberwalz,

Keep an eye out for used MW 105's. Usually less expensive than the mod itself on an existing player and sellers usually throw in other goodies (tubes, better umbilical cord, etc).

Santa may need to talk with his banker if the right deal comes along. ;)   

I have a pricey playback design mps-5 in my main system which is better than the oppo 105 in my second system BUT costs way more.

I recently upgraded the interconnect used with the oppo to my integrated amp and that made a big difference. The Oppo was a little lean bit flat even played thru my VAC amp and Harbeth speakers HOWEVER upgrading to Synergistic Research atmosphere level IV interconnect gave a more liquid larger warmer sound yet retaining the details.
I also upgraded my speaker cables to SR Atmosphere as well as atmosphere HC power cable for my big Soundstage TOO

My point is the Oppo can sound great with right cabling so would wait to mod it until after you try that first