Nelson Pass sold a kit very briefly that employed an output transistor known as a Static Induction Transistor or SIT. This was and so far is the only transistor type ever made that had the linearity of triodes and even had a soft clipping characteristic- so it should be possible using them to make a solid state amp that sounds exactly like a tube amp. Sony made them back in the 1970s for their Vfet amps. Nelson made a kit using them and you can bet that I wanted to know what that sounded like so I bought a kit.
Why would you not? is more the question!
Why would a respected tube amp designer want to play with something very different?To see what is possible.
Nelson Pass sold a kit very briefly that employed an output transistor known as a Static Induction Transistor or SIT. This was and so far is the only transistor type ever made that had the linearity of triodes and even had a soft clipping characteristic- so it should be possible using them to make a solid state amp that sounds exactly like a tube amp. Sony made them back in the 1970s for their Vfet amps. Nelson made a kit using them and you can bet that I wanted to know what that sounded like so I bought a kit.
Why would you not? is more the question!