VPI 2nd Pivot for 3D

I just installed mine and discovering my old records anew.  I thought I knew everything there was to know on the original pressing of Fleetwood Mac's Rumers......but no - there's more.  You immediately hear a more solid bass, but then the dynamics hit hard.  It sounds like my amp is on steroids.  More cleanliness, - everything is better.  Very highly recommended.
@rauliruegas (respectfully) I have spent much time with gimballed (damped and undamped) and unipivot tonearms with a good variety of cartridges including some that are very demanding of the arm they are mounted on. All I can say is that in my experience I get better results (i.e more truth to the master tape, fewer distortions) with the pair of Durand’s I currently run. Of course you would argue that they are not actually unipivots as they have a second point of contact 😇

In comparison the last pair of traditional arms I ran (a TriPlanar VII and an SME IV) both failed to deal with the bass energy thrown off by my cartridges and distorted and became confused when stressed. This is not an issue I have ever had with my Durands (a Kairos and a Talea)

Now per cleeds experience the downside of unipivots is the constant worry that they are not quite on (the point that is) -- other than that they are completely stable and foolproof

Have you ever tried a Durand Raul? They might even convince you you still have something to learn ...
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Ad hominem attack, a classic logical fallacy. Raul must be v-e-r-y frustrated today. Another example of why it's fruitless to debate with our little Raul.

Dear @billstevenson : I agree with almost you said in your last post.

" Each of us has preferences.... """

My take is to forget our " prefrences " or what we " like " and stay " centered " on what " should be " and start to build the " new " system from here.

When we arrives to that " should be " then what we listen in our " new " system always we like it and always be a huge improvement over what we had when our system choices were made/headed it for that " what I like it ".

Search for the Holly Grail?, ask you: WHY NOT ! ! ! ?

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Btw, @folkfreak , I listen the Durand but not on my system. I think that each day is a learning day and this is my " natural " attitude.

@cleeds, the times of frustration I left it to many years ago to remember it.  You are wrong in that too. 
... may I suggest that we agree that there is no one, single, absolute "right" way to do anything in audio ...
Of course you may suggest that, and I’d agree. The problem is that there are some self-appointed "experts" here who insist that their version of "The Truth" and "The Facts" are so infallible as to render our preferences invalid. These are people who - notwithstanding their efforts to portray themselves as intellectuals and visionaries - are actually idiots. What’s sad is that they don’t realize just how foolish they look.

This thread’s topic is about how adding a second pivot to a VPI 3D arm produced great results for the OP. It’s interesting how this simple audiophile experience disturbs those whose version of the Truth just can’t even imagine anyone being happy with such an arm in the first place.