Not Enough Options for Auditioning Speakers

am in the market for a great two channel music system. They will be set up in a dedicated listening room that is 12'x17'x9'. The room is carpeted but not treated.

My budget is around $15k-$20k for speakers, wires, amp+preamp (or integrated).

I prefer towers as I like the full range and have had bad luck with integrating a sub. I started my search with B&W 805's and Sonus Faber Olympica I's (which are still on my short list)

My problem is that most of the dealers in my area do not carry very many brands, so it is hard to compare. I cannot even find one that carries the KEF reference.

I am leaning right now to the Sonus Faber Olympica III's but also really like the B&W 803 D3. I wish I could hear them side by side. The dealer with the SF's is great and has let me do home testing with several speakers and he is recommending the Olympica's.

I read a lot online about auditioning several different speakers but cannot find any place in central Florida that has most of the lines they are suggesting. I know if I pick the SF Olympica's I will be very happy, but I have not even heard the III's! I am just a little frustrated that the consistent advice is to listen to a lot of others, but I can't.

Am I the only one with this problem?

I'm having the same problem. Sorta fortunately, the system I'm almost settled on, NAD M32 and Focal Aria 936 speakers, are both sold and demo'd by a dealer (Upscale Audio - great people) in the LA area (I live in Las Vegas), so I've been able to go down there (270 miles one way, but I love to drive and crank up the music) to listen. Unfortunately, they didn't have the 926s, which I also considering, when I was there, so I'm going back now that they have both speakers. As the Wicked Witch of the West said, "What a world." :-)
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One thing I would strongly recommend is for you to get involved in a local audio club / group. I know there are a couple of options in the central FL area. Great way to experience other members' systems. Members tend to be very knowledgable with lots of experience. There is a very large and active club on the west coast in Tampa and a more informal group on the east central FL coast that has a number of members from the Orlando area.
In Washington DC we are lucky to have several very good shops - DejaVu Audio (especially), CommandAV, and others. Plus Capitol Audiofest (CAF) is the first weekend in November, attracts a decent number of exhibitors, and is often not too crowded. The other option is to order direct from manufacturers that allow a liberal return policy.

As for integrating subwoofers, I suggest you read up on the Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer at the Vandersteen site.  IMHO, this is the easiest sub to integrate with any mains that extend down to 40Hz. 

As for the demo issue, it's a tough one.  For me, personally, it is no contest.  I find SF speakers much better sounding than B&W speakers, and I have heard the newest 803 several times.  But, speakers are like food, there is no one "best" for everyone.  Like you said, though, I can't imagine you being dissappointed with the SFs.  Buyer's remorse is a difficult thing.  There are many examples of a person buying what they thought was the best speaker, DAC, amp or whatever that they could afford, only to discover something better, and maybe even cheaper, shortly after.  The key is getting the best performance out of the gear you choose, and just enjoying listening to music.