Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?

Hi, Does the Maestro faceplate (used with the Maestro outlet)  make a difference compared to an inexpensive one?  THANX, FRED
Tom, are you high? My audiophile outlet covers are treated a number of ways. Sorry but I can't actually tell you how. Then I'd have to kill you. Do you really think I have a kiln here and produce my own ceramic duplex covers? That's special.

Most treatments are $5.00 per pound less shipping to and from. How many of these = 1 lb. ? Tom
Tom, you really are high, aren’t you? What on Earth are you going on about? This particular conversation highlights the differences between high end audio and pro audio. 
I use the same treatments in pro audio products and home audio materials and products. Material treatments are beneficial to most everything even if the product's raw cost is $3.82. Forgot about the $.59 brass screw. That should be treated as well. Tom 
I may be slow but I’m ahead of you, Tom. You have undoubtedly only scratched the surface of materials treatment. I don’t know why you insist on thinking you know what I’m referring to. When you assume something you make a fool out of me and Uma Thurman. Can I suggest you start thinking outside the box? 🕋 A journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step. 🚶