Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?

Hi, Does the Maestro faceplate (used with the Maestro outlet)  make a difference compared to an inexpensive one?  THANX, FRED
Like your ahead on the understanding of interfering energy in all solids that vibrate. Your still stuck in the box of sand and silt. Tom

"Upon graduation from Acme Audio Engineering school today many of you will go on to do great things. The rest of you will be in pro audio."

(recently copied from another thread)

Now this:

“This particular conversation highlights the differences between high end audio and pro audio.”

I personally earned a great living in professional audio and must reply to the attempted insults listed above which then begs the questions...

If we did NOT have ‘professional sound’ who then would be responsible for Geoffrey even being here?

Who came first? The recording engineer or Geoffrey C Kait?

Oh well, mistakes do happen.

I would rather be working in “Professional” sound in comparison to becoming a disgruntled space agency retiree consistently shilling his products on the AudioGon forums.

To the OP: We purchase products and parts for our engineered sound rooms from vendors with return and paid “in-full” refund policies. Some vendors who deeply believe in their products offer to pay for return freight as well - just ask them. Auditions will provide you the audible answer without opinions and/or insulting personalities getting involved.

Robert - Star Sound

You two knuckleheads seem to be ignoring the fact that I’m the one with the degree in theoretical physics. I’m the one with courses in statistical thermodynamics and nuclear physics. That I’m the one with courses you’ve never even heard of, you know, like indeterminate structures and theoretical propulsion. Can I respectfully suggest you two guys march yourselves 🏃🏃 right down to whatever Podunk school you went to, assuming you even went to school, which I actually doubt, and demand your money back? Which probably isn’t that much money to begin with anyway, maybe a hundred bucks. Whatever kind of education, Phys. Ed. or whatever you get from the back of a matchbook cover. If you’re getting upset by my comparison of pro audio and high end audio that would be, uh, your problem.

Much of what has grown out of the movie theater Professional installations of the 1930’s ..Western Electric and RCA are still being pursued for their simple magic and are being copied even today for their use in high end audio system products. You should remember those installations as you are of the same era though not as significant. Tom
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