Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?

Hi, Does the Maestro faceplate (used with the Maestro outlet)  make a difference compared to an inexpensive one?  THANX, FRED
jea48, please save the drama for your mama. Shouldn't you be standing out on a ledge somewhere? 

You can buy one just like it..though untreated from Amazon..for less than $4.00. How would know its treated unless you had 2 that were untreated and you sent 1 off yours9elf for treatment and then compare. Tom

Whoa! What! Wow! You’re quite the genius when it comes to pointing out the obvious. Good job, Skippy. Did you learn that in Acme Audio Engineering School? 😀

Skippy as in peanut butter?  Just pointing out the obvious about price gouging..25 of these plates may weigh 1lb..5$  for treatment and $15 for roundy round shipping. Tom

So Geoff at a 25 piece qty. you will have a cost per piece of about $5..per unit...nice profit on a $30.ticket. Good job ..Worst you have to do is to drive to the post office..if your allowed or maybe you call for pickup. Then you will have done nothing. Tom