Best universal disc player that has great audio reproduction?

I was flirting with the idea of replacing my separate BluRay player and my Classe cd player with a all in one universal player.
The movie portion is used sparingly but I do have a fair collection of bluray and dvd discs so as long as a decent performer in that region that will be good enough.
The crunch obviously is in the audio reproduction.
Recommendations for a true universal player leaning towards audio on a budget of approx. 2k used.
Thank you
Good deal. You may find that the Cardas ICs/PCs are holding your system back re: open sound and dynamics, but, as you say, that is all about system synergy and preference.

you can drop more coin on the modded OPPO sure but perhaps ask a dealer for a no risk demo of the SR power cable interconnect and speaker cable along with their power conditioning and you will see that its not your universal player that is holding you back.  Cardas is nice but SR likely to get you the soundstaging warmth and liquidity that is lacking....dont need to mod the OPPO to get there......and if you play vinyl a better speaker cable and power conditioning will help with that.....if you have not properly treated the room then dont even bother with cabling changed and start there.........

the oppo is plenty good unless you have an amazing system then yes the ayre or perhaps even modded oppo will make a diff.....I dont see the oppo modded as good investment unless great deal used as many people view it with skepticism.....the ayre is well regarded but again any pricey dac gets updated due to technology so make sure its somewhat future proof.......

try experimenting before you buy more imho
You act like you are the first person to discover SR. Been using their stuff since 2009 and moved up the ladder to newer lines over the time since. On my second Powercell and wouldn’t be without one.

I especially like their power cords and have yet to hear them bettered. IME, the higher lines get the best sound from whatever they are associated with. However, when current, their better products are priced beyond what most are willing to invest and IMO should invest for use in a "modestly priced" system. They take a big hit on resale value as you already know since that is how you procure them: from those that stay on the cable/cord merry-go-round and can afford to take the hit (like upper-end DACs).

Those that have budgeting constraints may find the older X2 and Tesla series active power cords are a true sonic bargain when paired with Michael Spallone’s $55 MPC upgrade. A ~$300+ total investment that still delivers superb results alongside their newer and pricier cables/cords. I find the Tesla "SE" and Element series very useful in fine tuning a system via the included bullets and probably the best value for those willing to spend a little/lot more.

Seems like you are more interested in touting your new cables than providing realistic and solid advice to others, although I agree with you re: experimenting before buying pricey cables/cords.

the newer SR cables are way better than their older line modded or not.....just advising the man to try to audition them and if can get a good deal on an IC and PC to start there assuming the room is already well treated. A good IC or PC can easily be kept for a decade or longer. Advising him to hot rod an oppo if money is limited is questionable advice given the shelf life of most dac chips. Most people who buy these hot rodded Oppo seems to sell them down the I got is pricey BUT I have had the same equipment for a decade whether it be the dartzeel preamp or amp or mps-5 or the Evolution Acoustic MM3. Get a piece of equipment you love and build around it and get off the audiophile buy sell buy sell carousel imho. I doubt many people buy a modded OPPO and declare wow this is my last dac ever.  If you cannot afford a pricey piece of equipment the used oppo 105 is a terrific bargain and spend the extra coin somewhere else in your system......

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