Need a new amplifier. Need a good match for my Audio Research LS7 preamp

Speakers - B&W CDM-7NT

NAD CD Player

10x12 room

SS or Tube, New, or used.  Looking to tame a little top end brightness, and more clarity at higher volume.

Mostly Classic Rock, Reggae, Singer songwriter stuff, with a smattering of Jazz and Bluegrass.  Lots of ground to cover. 

Current amp was an Arcam Alpha 10 100wpc.

Looking to spend around $1500.

Saw a used Odyssey Khartago Extreme for under $1k, but don't know much about it, other than needs to be biased to your homes electric output, and had some real good reviews. Sounds a little finicky.

Appreciate your input


Lots of great info, thank you all.

Seems like the answers bring up other options, ie - different speakers, or different preamp, as they are both considered bright.

Was also told that a DAC might help As I have a lower end CD player.

Thinking it may be time to come up with a budget and start from scratch??

Current system was cobbled together as some components I had failed. 

Going to do some research over the weekend.

On the other hand I did find a Classe CA200 for reasonable price as well as a Belles 150.

Think I will listen to the current set up along with a libation or 2 over the weekend and see what I come up with.

Keep y'all in the loop - thanks

The later Classe CA-200 with the heat sinks on the side are reported to be much better than the earlier model with the heat sinks on the back because of "distributed capacitance" - caps distributed over the circuit board instead of just at the power supply (as I understood it), and equal to the replacement CA-201. There was a later version of the CA-201 that was said to be much smoother. It has aluminum "pillars" at the front corners. I had the earlier version and it was a bit coarse. Classe was said to be a good match for B+W.
You haven’t mentioned your cables so I will add that better cables could give you more clarity. Recently I upgraded my speakers and have a bit of glare at higher volumes too. Until I can demo cables I have stuck Post-it notes over the tweeters. It works surprisingly well, costs nothing and puts the fun back into listening. Good luck on your quest.

I believe the amp Ralph (atmasphere) was referring to is the Music Reference RM-200. In it’s current Mk.2 form it retails for $7995, and can very occasionally be found used (it’s a keeper!) for around $3000. The original non-Mk.2 version goes for $2000 or so. Nice amp, which Michael Fremer reviewed in Stereophile a few years ago, putting it in it’s Class-A Tube Amp category recommended components list. Heed hansk46's advice regarding input and output impedances---the RM200 is XLR/balanced inputs only, at 30kHz ohms.
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I have Khartago Extreme and it's awesome and a great value. Great match too