Anyone have issues with Revel Performa speakers

I recently purchased Revel PERFORMA F206 towers using an Anthem receiver and Rotel 1582 200wpc amp and after 2 weeks tweeter blew while1 not playing very loud. I went from Paradigm Monitor 11s and played them way louder without any issues. Going to a Mark Levinson 532h amp and hopefully can play loud without any clipping and the Revels hold up. Is this a known issue with Revels not taking playing loudly or possibly Rotel clipped and caused this ?? Or perhaps just a bad tweeter driver from the start ?
Hey guys, long time lurker, first post (not a revel shill, promise).  Longtime F208 owner here, and now also powered by levinson.  I play pretty damn loud and have had no issues whatsoever.  My old integrated didn't like pushing these speakers at high levels, would clip and I'd have back off.  Levinson is a great match, what revel recommends (obviously).  However, they paired well with a quite a few amps I listened to with them, just preferred the levinson.  These speakers are power hungry.  I read a speaker review and during testing, noted their impedence can dip pretty low (~2-3 ohms) when played really loud.  I upgraded my amp and pre not long after purchasing these, and I'm glad I did because the speakers came alive.  Someone commented on Ag in another thread that they talked to revel cust svc, and they recommmended up to 500wpc.  Hope they work out for you.  Don't let a bad tweeter (or clipping amp) ruin your decision to purchase.  
Thanks sti555, I hope that's all it was and I'll enjoy for many years. I got the new Levinson amp hoped up now just waiting on the new tweeter. Need to get another couple hundred hours to see how good they can really sound! 
I own F208’s; I blew the right one up, a self inflicted gunshot wound. I’d buy another pair no questions but I’m rebuilding it. These speakers are awesome, do not hesitate but they do want a good amp.I upgraded from 135watt CJ amp to their Premier 350 and it made a world of difference. Ive always wanted the MH No. 532H, so I'm encouraged to hear the appreciation for them here. 
I had F208's, and had one tweeter mysteriously go out.  It was something in the crossover, not the tweeter itself.
Harman quickly took care of it and swapped out the speaker for me.  I was powering them with a Classé CA-2300. 

I own Salon 2's now and think the F208's are a great bargain.