Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?


geoffkait, that’s definately a different but interesting approach but how were you able to get rid of the house ac?

Batteries. No more ground issues. No more expensive power cords. No more bad power from the wall. No more big power supplies. No more teacher's dirty looks.
I used to use a headphone amp, a Woo Audio pure tube Class A headphone amp with WWII era tubes. Today I use a Walkman CD player and Walkman cassette player. With Grado SR 60 headphones and Sony Ultralight headphones and Radio Shack Pro 35 titanium headphones. I heard a quarter million dollar system the other day. It was much better. 😀
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" nobody actually building circuits talks in the cryptic code you do"
Thank you - I like to think I am unique. It's probably because they are still building conventional circuits. BTW - what part is cryptic to you?

So without hearing the process I'm talking about - you have totally dismissed it as "snake oil". The one thing I like about these threads is there is a kind of paper trail that we can look back on and say "remember when they didn't believe it was possible to amplify without distortion?"
(Lets note the date)

This is why I don't spend much time on these threads because if you introduce any kind of new thinking to solve old problems - people freak out. The ones that complain the most are those with skin in the game. Is this technology somehow a threat to you or your business?

I don't know many people on this thread as far as what they do for a living. I know Ralph who I respect has his tube circuitry but never comes across as anything other than someone who enjoys what he does and is successful at it. I'm pretty sure Ralph does not see me as a threat. My hat is off to any designer that strives for the best. These threads are for the purpose of sharing all things audio. Lets leave out the snake oil please. 

Perhaps someday you will get a chance to hear what I'm talking about.

I won't bother telling you about automatic focus - that doesn't seem go with sound reproduction either but I still use it.