Do you have a pair of thiel 3.6 in the Phoenix area

I'm thinking of buying a pair of thiel 3.6 here on agon or somewhere online. I wanted to see if a fellow agon member in the Phoenix area would mind if I heard their pair of 3.6's.
Additionally if someone would like to hear a pair of mirage m1's, let me know and you can hear mine.
Best regards Sean Johnson
I don't have either but I do have a pair of mint Wilson Audio Duette 2's for sale in Gold Canyon.

No kidding. Well I'd love to listen to those, but admittedly they're out of my price range. I live in East mesa, if your up for an audition let me know. 
What is your price range?  I just recently purchased Sonus Faber Amati Tradition.  They were way out of my price range also but I said WTF...why not.  You only live once!!!   LOL