Do you have a pair of thiel 3.6 in the Phoenix area

I'm thinking of buying a pair of thiel 3.6 here on agon or somewhere online. I wanted to see if a fellow agon member in the Phoenix area would mind if I heard their pair of 3.6's.
Additionally if someone would like to hear a pair of mirage m1's, let me know and you can hear mine.
Best regards Sean Johnson
How are you liking those Sonus Fabers. Those are a sweet set I'm sure...
I've heard that new sonus faber Lilliam,  it was nothing short of amazing. But 70 He's, yikes
Something to dream for.  My SF Traditions are awesome.  I heard the Lillium and they are amazing.  I was going to buy a used pair of Il Cremonese for $22k but they were the wrong color.  You should look at the Tekton line of speakers.  The DI's for $3k people are raving about.