I apologize for being absent for a few days. I live is South Florida and Irma has turned our lives upside down here. Anyway, without power and no air-conditioner it is difficult to get excited about turntables. I have no idea what you are trying to say in your post above Raul. Perhaps someone else can interpret for me? Just in case my last post was not entirely lucid, my point was that no matter how precise we try to be with TT setup, the medium is inherently imprecise and compromise is part of the game. No matter how careful we try to be, the records we play are themselves not perfect: not flat, holes not centered, equalization imprecise, etc.. Everything is a compromise. We do the best we can. And you know what? Don't despair, our efforts are not in vain because as most of us know full well, a vinyl record very often sounds better than the digital equivalent for all it's claimed perfection. And we also know that we can strive for further improvement through refinements in setup, experimentation, ever improving cartridges and pre-preamps etc. And, in the process we can have a lot of fun.