Vandersteen 2ci used. Good speaker/bargain?

I've found a pair of Vandy 2ci just a couple hours from where I live. I'm interested in upgrading my speakers (bottom of the line Spica SC-30...a great budget speaker)but I'm on a serious budget. I have an NAD C340 intregrated amp and in a year or so will probably upgrade that as well. What do you folks think of the Vandy 2ci, made around 10 to 12 yrs ago, I believe. I probably can't put speakers any further away from the wall then 18 in to 2 ft. Room is about 14' by 16, with a cathedral ceiling (overall, very oddly shaped). I listen to jazz vocalists primarily--the Dianna Kralls, Stacy Kents--plus light jazz intrumentals. Also about what price should I pay for a pair in very good condition (stands are included). I probably can upgrade to something more expensive (presumably meaning, much better) in about 3 years, but in the meantime, I wonder if these might fill the bill.
I just bought a pair of used Vandersteen 2Ci a couple of weeks ago and I am using the NAD 2100 50 wpc stereo or 300 wpc bridge. The sounds is so musical as if they were meant for each other. The more or longer you listen to the 2Ci, the better it sounds and I might add that I have a small room 12.5'x 13.5' I also have a McIntosh 2100 amp that I will be using once I get it back from the shop. The 2Ci is one of the best loudspeaker for the price.
Viridian is a typical stereophile who tries to justify his total ignorance with obscure technical jargon! Vandersteen knows what they are doing when they spec their own production and I have owned 2Ci speakers since 1990! I have also owned 94.5 db Tannoy, 101db lowther and 85 db Stones(made in Sweden).
With the half a dozen different amps I own and various comparisons in real SPL's:
I would say that the manufactiurer's specs are actually conservative and that sensitivity is at very least 88db regardlless of what stereophile tabloids might publish. It is in their interest and the interests of other advertisers in their publications to diminish what Vanderstien has been able to produce and offer at such a low price!! I use my 2Ci's as a reference regardless of what else I might own. For the price, there is nothing comparable!
Geez Wattnatt, I don't think Viridian was showing total ignorance at all by just stating what was published. So far as Stereophile goes, Vandersteen used to advertise in their magazine, not sure if they still do and I can't possibly see any reason why they would falsify test results. I think you are being maybe a bit defensive but to what end I'm clueless. One thing I do agree with you on though is that there is nothing I am aware of comparable for the price, I owned a pair of 2C's for many years and loved them, great full range speaker for the money and a lot more for that matter.
Check out this link when you have the time:
Sean, I used to have the 2CI and let me tell you, they are an awesome speaker, very clear, good sound staging. I was driving them with a pair of NAD 2100 power amp that was set to mono at 100 wpc. So if the price is right go for it you will not be disappointed. Make sure you get the right stand and spikes for it.