Vandersteen 2ci used. Good speaker/bargain?

I've found a pair of Vandy 2ci just a couple hours from where I live. I'm interested in upgrading my speakers (bottom of the line Spica SC-30...a great budget speaker)but I'm on a serious budget. I have an NAD C340 intregrated amp and in a year or so will probably upgrade that as well. What do you folks think of the Vandy 2ci, made around 10 to 12 yrs ago, I believe. I probably can't put speakers any further away from the wall then 18 in to 2 ft. Room is about 14' by 16, with a cathedral ceiling (overall, very oddly shaped). I listen to jazz vocalists primarily--the Dianna Kralls, Stacy Kents--plus light jazz intrumentals. Also about what price should I pay for a pair in very good condition (stands are included). I probably can upgrade to something more expensive (presumably meaning, much better) in about 3 years, but in the meantime, I wonder if these might fill the bill.
Watt- lighten up, carrying a resentment over Viridian's opinion for NINE YEARS.
I would write Richard Vandersteen with any question I had with my Vandy's, he would always reply, in volumes.
Great sound, butt ugly speakers. I even tried with the socks down. Wife said get those !@#$% things back in the attic.
It wasn't until I had the speakers for a couple of years that I tried them with Bryston and Krell monos. They never sounded better. They will open up to another level with good powerful ss amps.
The best I ever heard the 2ce sigs and the 3a sigs was with ARC tube electronics. This includes over the years many different amplifiers including Threshold SA-1s, the best of the SS and wonderful in their own right, McCormack, Nad, Krell KMA100's, McIntosh MC-60's highly modified, ARC M-100, ARC D-115 MK2 and ARC VT100,(the best). The last, with the VT100 was at a dealer's showroom. The set-up and attention to placement was impeccable and both these speakers sounded the best I've ever heard Vandersteen 2 and 3 models ever including several shows and in my listening room, they were really dialed in. It proved to me, again, how great these speakers are but more importantly their potential relative to the price of admission and the space they will be used in.
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((With the half a dozen different amps I own and various comparisons in real SPL's:
I would say that the manufacturer's specs are actually conservative and that sensitivity is at very least 88db regardless of what stereophile tabloids might publish. It is in their interest and the interests of other advertisers in their publications to diminish what Vandersteen has been able to produce and offer at such a low price!! I use my 2Ci's as a reference regardless of what else I might own. For the price, there is nothing comparable!))

I brought home many different amps over years to drive
2Ci,CE and Sig 2s most all of them had a picnic driving these speakers to enjoyable levels.

Whats confusing to the meter readers is Box speakers with baffles will reflect their unwanted reflection artifacts as a higher SPL number.
Because the Vandersteens are a baffle less multiple enclosure design, they possess less unwanted reflection firing back on them and then into the SPL measuring Microphone
Also why they disappear so well.
Cheers Johnnyr