Why are tweeters so high off of the ground in many tower speakers...

...when most peoples ears are much lower when seated??

I've read many times that the tweeter should be at approximately ear level.  Well, I am 6 feet tall, and sitting straight up on my couch my ears are about 40 inches off the floor, lower of course if slouch.  My Artemis - Eos speakers have the tweeters at 45 inches high, so not too bad, but many others that I've seen are 50 inches high and more and I don't understand the designer's thinking.   Is a 10 - 12 inch difference in height acceptable or should the speaker be tilted down, which I think would create a whole new set of issues.
The speakers and I sit in an equilateral triangle nine feet on each side, and they point directly at my ears.

A lot of good replies to your post already by some knowledgeable folks, but the reality is there is no etched in stone rule. Dispersal pattern of all drivers, room characteristics and your own ear height in the seated position all matter. That said, and if I'm not mistaken, I do have reason to believe that speakers are best towed at the listener when they are *NOT* aimed *directly* at your ears, but instead *directly behind* your head at ear level. Subtle, but meaningful.

From Stereophile:

"The speaker's balance becomes significantly flatter through the treble for listeners who sit with their ears around 30" from the floor.

Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/artemis-systems-eos-signature-loudspeaker-amp-base-module-measur...

There ya go, kalali. :)

I learned the same info (yet different height of 36") from JA’s measurements of my CS5i’s and it made all the difference when I boosted my sofa to achieve exactly that height.

Actually that is not always true. Depends on the speaker. Multiple high/high-mid frequency drivers for instance. How about the Tekton Lore? You would have to sit on the floor. Best to determine by measurements but short of that listening tests.
