Magico S5 Speaker - owners - heard them!

Guys anyone that has heard these can you please provide some feedback. Would love your thoughts and feedback on these. I'm picking a Preowned pair and wanted some thoughts. What are your impressions - amps that match best - what you have heard them compared to?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Congratulations!  I am sure you will be very happy with them, they are top rated.  I wouldn't think of changing anything in the system until you have had the speakers in your system for a few weeks.  Only then will you be able to decide what needs to be improved on.
I heard them at an owner's home.  Probably the cleanest, lowest distortion loudspeakers I have ever heard.  My only complaint is that they are a "top-down" speaker, and I prefer "bottom-up" speakers with looser bass, even if that means less accuracy.  But the detail retrieval was stunning.
I heard the MK II model at a dealer showroom a few months ago and I'd rate them as the best sound I've ever heard coming out of a box speaker. They also had a pair of Martin Logan 13a and switched between the two and the difference was stunning. I had previously heard the 13a and thought they were the best sound but the S5 was simply outstanding. The most obvious difference was the incredible balance across the entire frequency range and layering of the instruments within a deep soundstage, even with a sub par room set up. Didn't recognize the gear driving them but the salesman mentioned it was an integrated amplifier made in Germany. Maybe the 13a wasn't getting enough power or room to breathe but it sounded pale in comparison. Congratulations on your purchase. They are definitely keepers.
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