Vandersteen 2ci used. Good speaker/bargain?

I've found a pair of Vandy 2ci just a couple hours from where I live. I'm interested in upgrading my speakers (bottom of the line Spica SC-30...a great budget speaker)but I'm on a serious budget. I have an NAD C340 intregrated amp and in a year or so will probably upgrade that as well. What do you folks think of the Vandy 2ci, made around 10 to 12 yrs ago, I believe. I probably can't put speakers any further away from the wall then 18 in to 2 ft. Room is about 14' by 16, with a cathedral ceiling (overall, very oddly shaped). I listen to jazz vocalists primarily--the Dianna Kralls, Stacy Kents--plus light jazz intrumentals. Also about what price should I pay for a pair in very good condition (stands are included). I probably can upgrade to something more expensive (presumably meaning, much better) in about 3 years, but in the meantime, I wonder if these might fill the bill.
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Viridian, your point is well taken, but I think John assumes most people know Audio Connection is a Vandersteen dealer (largest in the country?), I don't think he is motivated to hide the fact, though it is probably good form to have manufactuers and dealers have "signature" requirements disclosing the fact.

Not sure how you get disclosure of another type of finacial interest - folks (users) that own equipment they are intending to sell, or want to be one day, and pump up a products virtues for the day the list the item on Agon - to see through that takes careful reading over time and getting to know the community members, but this concerns me more as an undisclosed "financial interest". Dealers are easily rooted (ratted?) out by other dealers:)